Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You don't need to shout into a cellphone.

People think that, because they're far away from the folks they're gabbing with on the cell phone that they have to shout. You don't need to! In fact, you can pretty much whisper and the other person will hear you. I have a friend who will talk with people on his stupid cell phone while he's in the car with me or dining with me --- and I don't even know he's doing. He's turned talking quietly into an art form.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Before you kill a pedestrian, learn the California law about crosswalks.

I just might be the person you'll kill because, when I'm a pedestrian, I follow the law. The law in California clearly states that, unless otherwise posted, there are legal crosswalks that are unmarked. That's right, someone could be stepping out to cross a street -- even when there ain't a drop of paint on the asphalt -- and the law requires that you stop for them. Where are these unmarked crosswalks? They're at intersections where the cross street is perpendicular (a 90-degree angle) to the other street and there's no traffic light or other signs prohibiting you from crossing there. Exactly where is the unmarked sidewalk? To make it easy for you, just imagine that the sidewalks continue into the intersection. Follow the line of the sidewalk and you'll find yourself in a legal, unmarked crosswalk.